Use Powerful Genomic Data to Advance Your Operation

Genotype plants, screen for known traits, and identify novel variants using the most advanced genomic tools on the market

Genomic tools save time and deliver important insights.

Here’s what you can do with the data…

Screen for known variants

Identify plants with desirable traits, such as cannabinoid and terpene synthase, pathogen resistance, sex determination, and more!

Find novel variants

Identify plants with amino acid changing variants that could affect cannabinoid production.

Build an IP Case 

Use genetic information about your cultivar to prove prior art or demonstrate novelty.

Stabilize genetics  

Monitor heterozygosity values to stabilize genetics and reduce variability among progeny.

Determine Rarity 

Find out how rare your cultivar is or identify potential breeding partners when you compare it to other cultivars in the Kannapeida database.

Verify Genetics

Compare your plant’s specific DNA code to known cultivars and determine whether you are growing or selling your desired strain.

DNA results you can trust

Rose City Labs and our Partners uses the most contiguous and complete cannabis reference genome, Jamaican Lion, to map all the genomic data it generates. With BUSCO scores exceeding 97%, Y-chromosome information, and active CBDA and THCA synthase genes, the Jamaican Lion reference provides the most usable genomic analysis available.


For Genotyping plants- 89k+ SNPS, including: cannabinoid genes, terpene genes, sex determination, diseases resistance $199 per sample


For finding novel variants in areas of interest- 3.2M bases covered, 20k-30k SNP, tag SNPS in 926 genes, full coverage over

THCA synthase, CBDA synthase, CBCA synthase $599 per sample

Whole Genome

For laying the foundation for a Breeding program- 876M bases covered, 3M-15M SNPS, 10X depth of coverage

Full coverage over THCA synthase genes, CBDA synthase genes, CBCA synthase genes $3,699 per sample